
Monday 21 September 2020

Hybrid Mustard Variety

new variety of mustard

Mustard is an important oilseed crop, especially in India. Mustard is grown in many states of India in the rabi season.  Hybrid mustard varieties in India play an important role in production and rich in oil content.

All the farmers and growers need maximum profit from every crop and want to produce quality.  In this article, you will read about the top hybrid mustard variety for farmers.  Some variety is a new variety of mustard and some are old but farmers love to grow these varieties.

Hybrid Mustard Varieties in India

The first hybrid variety of mustard developed by  NCR Sankar Sarso NRCHB506 and a variety in 2008  and another hybrid variety DHM 1 developed by Dhara Vegetable and food company. 

New Varieties of Mustard

In India, there are many hybrid varieties of mustard we have covered a few top varieties of mustard. It is based on oil content, yield, variety characters, and farmers likely the most variety. These mustard varieties can grow in Rajasthan also.  These mustard hybrid seeds require 1-1.5 kg/acre according to farmers' needs. Farmers should check the packing date of the seed before buying because the previous year packing has low chances to germinate the seed as compared to the current year.

 Hybrid mustard varieties

1. Proagro Mustard 5111

This variety of seed is dark brown in colour and short to medium height. Crop mature in 105-120 days where the oil content is 41- 42 %. Moderate resistance to White rust. the yield of this variety is 10-12 q/acre. 

Bayer Variety is suitable for Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Gujrat, West Bengal, Uttarakhand and Assam.

2.  Proagro Mustard 5222

This variety of seed is dark brown in colour and seed is bold in size. Variety hight is Medium and oil content is 40-42 %. Crop Matures in 1258-130 days and the average yield is 12-15 Quintal/Acre. 

Variety is suitable for Rajasthan, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujrat, Bihar and Jharkhand.

3.  Proagro Mustard 5210

This variety seed is bold, shiny and equal in size and plant height is larger nearly 190-200 cm. Variety is resistance to white rust and other sucking pests. Variety matures in 130-135 days where the average yield is 13-15 Q/ Acre.

Variety is favourable for Haryana, Rajasthan, Gujrat, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Bihar and Orrisa.

4. Pioneer 45S46   

This variety is the most favourite variety of farmers and happy to grow this variety. Variety is higher in oil content which is more than 41-45 %. The seed is shiny black and brown and equal in size. Height of this variety is 200-220 cm. Variety matures in 125-130 days where the yield is 12 Q/ acre. 

Variety is favourable for Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh,  and Gujrat.

5. Pioneer 45S35 

This is late sowing hybrid variety which matures in 105 days. Variety requires less irrigation or we can say that for dryland areas. The height of this variety is low or we can say that a low to medium variety. The oil content in this variety is 40 % where the yield is normal 8-10 Quintal / Acre. 

Variety is suitable for Rajasthan, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujrat. 

6. Sriram 1666

This variety of seed is bold in size and medium to high height. The crop matures in 125-130 days which is normal. The average yield of this variety is 12-13 Q/Acre.  Variety is suitable for all areas.

7. Adv 414 ( Advanta 414 )  

This variety of seed is bold and shiny and eight is medium. Crop Matures in 125-130 days. The average yield of this variety is 12-14 Q/acre. Variety is suitable for Gujrat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and some areas of Maharastra and Chattisgarh. 

For more information, you can watch this Hindi video on our youtube channel.

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