
Tuesday 18 August 2020

How to increase yield of Cotton?

How to increase cotton yield

Cotton is a very important crop for Indian farmers. Where they have some expectations to recover the loss of the previous crop and get some profit. Cotton is the second largest growing crop in Northern and central India after paddy in the Kharif season. 

We know that in cotton there are different pests and diseases which can increase the loss and decrease the yield of the crop like Whitefly, pink bollworm, Aphids, and mealybug These insects can reduce the yield up to 15-25 percent. And different problems like fruit defoliation is the most common and major problem of cotton. How we can protect our crop and increase the yield of cotton. This article will help you to increase the yield of cotton.

How we can improve the yield?

In cotton crop, there are different nutrient and micronutrient is required to maintain the health of a crop. Like another crop cotton also require Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium as a Basic requirement. A timely application of irrigation and nutrients have a better result as compare to a high dose at an unwanted time. 

You can watch the above video for the application of nutrients. This video will help you to information on the application of nutrients in cotton at the right time and right doses. This is the basic video for all the farmers to know the nutrients requirement and how to apply them. 

These basic nutrients at the right time result in a good and healthy crop. Suppose if we did not care a child from childhood then how we can expect that he will be healthy at Young. Like that plants has to need care from sowing to maturity. 

How to Increase the Yield of Cotton?

We can improve the yield by two methods one is by the application of nutrients and second is the application or spray PGR. Basically cotton needs two PGR one is  Alpha Napthyl Acetic Acid and the second is Mepiquate Chloride 2% AS. These are two PGR that have a better result than another nutrient. These PGR will stop the defoliation of fruit and boll of cotton. For More detail reasons for defoliation and how to control them, you can watch this video.  

These are the two basic steps to maintain and improve the yield of cotton. 

How to Improve yield if crop is at the flowering stage?

How to maintain and improve the yield if we did not follow the above instructions. And our cotton crop health is not good. Our crop is more than 100 days how to improve and increase the yield of cotton. Can we improve our yield or not. If yes then how and how much?

Yes, you can improve at this stage. You can by the application of a given nutrient.

The first thing is that you have to one spray of Zinc sulfate and iron sulfate as basil dose. You can get a better result by only one foliar spray in which you can apply 500-gram zinc sulfate + 500-gram magnesium sulphate+ 1-2 kg urea+ 0:52:34(NPK)+ 200-gram boron. If you can mix any one PGR in it than it will an excellent result in cotton. 

If you had applied any of the above nutrients before 7 days in cotton than you can skip them. If you did not apply then you can use the above nutrient. Please do not apply a heavy dose or low. It can damage the crop and low dose did not get a result.

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