
Friday 19 June 2020

Better farm Better Lives

Better farm better lives

Bayer has launched a new global campaign called 'Better Farms, Better Lives' i.e. 'Better Farming, Better Life' to help small farmers facing extreme crises in times of coronavirus pandemic). In India, under this, a free kit of seeds and crop protection products will be given to the farmers. Under the campaign, 4 lakh small farmers in 204 districts of 17 states will be helped in the cultivation of major crops like paddy, maize, vegetables, and jowar-millet. In this, there will be a special focus on women farmers with small holdings and migrant laborers who want to start agriculture in their small farms after the helpless return to the village.

Under 'Better Farms, Better Lives', 2 million small farmers will be helped in Asia, Africa, and Latin America through the free Better Life Farming Care package. This kit will be prepared according to the local needs of the farmers. This will include Bayer hybrid seeds, crop protection products, personal protective equipment (PPE), and training material.

A kit for every small farmer
According to the company, each small farmer will get an agricultural kit, which will contain hybrid seeds and crop protection products of the crops grown in their area. Apart from this, Bayer will give the farmers the necessary information about disease and pest management from the sowing of seeds to the harvesting of the crop. It will also help in providing a market for their yield. The kit will also have face masks and personal protective equipment (PPE) to meet the health and safety needs of farmers. Apart from the kit, the farmers will also be given training related to the use of modern agricultural techniques from Bayer.

Cultivating communities will get strength
D Narayan, CEO of Bayer Crop Science Limited, said, "Small farmers play an important role in ensuring India's food security, but the current covid-19 situation has affected their ability to produce enough food for their families and society.". Lockdowns and restrictions on movement have also affected the accessibility of seeds, crop protection products, and laborers to them. ”

D Narayan says that the 'Better Farms, Better Lives' campaign will help small farmers to get instant access to agricultural produce and consultancy during this Kharif season and beyond. This step will also strengthen the livelihood of the communities which are most affected by covid-19.

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