
Tuesday 5 May 2020

Agriculture Work For May Month

In agriculture there sector there are different crops and different works every month. So today we are going to read the agriculture work to be done in the month of May.
May Agriculture Work

We have divided the crop in a different category.
1. Field Crops
2. Pulses
3. Vegetables
4. Green Manure 
5. Fodder Crops 

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Let us start with field Crops.


In the spring season, sugarcane farmers can continue the irrigating at an interval of 15-20 days and do one hoeing.
To prevent Angola borer, apply 30 kg of carbofuran powder per hectare.


Farmers can irrigate and do weeding as required in sunflower crops.


Complete the harvesting of wheat and storage moisture should not be more than 10-12 percent. Clean the storage before storing the grain.


Complete the sowing of cotton by this month and irrigate the cotton in early sowing variety. Farmers can do hoeing in cotton.


In this month after 20th may farmers can start preparation of paddy nursery


Farmers can irrigate the maize if required and do one hoeing. In Punjab, farmers can sow the maize during last week of the month.


In the summer-sown in the crops of mung, urad, and lobia farmers can irrigate at an interval of 12-15 days.


Chilli -In the second fortnight of May, you can plant a chili nursery. And where the crop is ready to pick and sent to market.
Tomatoes, Brinjal, and Okra crop provide light irrigation according to crop at the weekly interval.
Pumpkin, watermelon, cucumber, melon protect from insect disease. The fruit which is ready, pick it. and provide light irrigation in vegetables and also fertilizers for better health.
Arabic, ginger, turmeric is sown and sell to market which is mature and harvested. Make med in Arbi vegetable crop.  
Choalyi- Where the market demand of leaf, farmers can start sowing of this vegetable.
Garlic and Onion - Complete the digging of garlic and provide the irrigation in onion crop. 
Cabbage, Fenugreek, and Spinach crop seed are ready farmers can start the harvesting of this vegetable.

Green manure crops

Sowing of Sunhemp or linseed for green manure is very useful for increasing the fertility of the land. Green manure crops are reversible in 45-50 days. Therefore, sow keeping in mind the time of planting.


Complete the sowing of Jawar(Sorghum) and provide the light irrigation in early sowing crop. farmers can see the seed treatment of Kharif crop on our YouTube channel and cotton variety 

Also for good yield and reduce the loss in the crop. By the end of this week, we will update the agriculture work for the fruit crops. You can also submit your comment on any query and farmers can ask any agriculture-related topics we are happy to support you.

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