
Thursday 30 April 2020

Whitefly inTomato

Tomato is a very important vegetable at every time. So today we are going to read on Whitefly in Tomato. 

Wednesday 29 April 2020

Farmers are facing different agriculture Crops related Problems

Meerut farmers were facing problems in Peach. farmers have been fearing heavy losses due to this lockdown. Actually, they are not able to reach his peach crop in Mandis. Meerut area of ​​western Uttar Pradesh is particularly known for sugarcane and mango cultivation, but peaches are also famous here. 

farmers in lockdown
A Farmer is waiting for clear lockdown days

Tuesday 28 April 2020

80% wheat harvested by Govt ?

During the lockdown period in India some technology and relief for farmers. Govt try to make the system online and easy for farmers and traders. Last  Sunday Govt officers confirmation some technology and data.    
Wheat Harvesting
Wheat harvesting

Monday 27 April 2020

Wheat sacks drench in many Mandies farmers worried

The wheat crop of farmers in grain markets was drenched due to rain in many areas on Sunday. Wheat kept under the open sky is drenched due to a lack of adequate management of tarpaulin in Mandis and wheat procurement centers. 13-grain Mandis of Yamunanagar where are fully filled. At the same time, more than 100 wheat procurement centers were also filled to a great extent with water. The wheat was kept under the open sky for two days as the arrival of wheat intensified. There was no good arrangement for raising wheat. Farmers allege that there is no labor arrangement in the mandi or tarpaulin, which has made their wheat wet.
Grain Market
Rain in Mandi

Sunday 26 April 2020

Agriculture Ministry Increase Production

Agriculture Ministry set a target of 149.92 Million Tonns production and promote oilseed and pulses crop production

According to Agriculture Ministry, the area of rice sown is increased by 37.70 percent to 34.73 lakh ha during this Kharif season 2020-21. This area is 25.22 lakh hectare during last year and the same season.

Agriculture Ministry
Production Target

Saturday 25 April 2020

Weather and Agriculture advisory for Farmers

According to the India Meteorology Department continued moisture incursion to eastern and north-eastern parts of India from Bay of Bengal favorable position of an Anticyclone circulation at lower levels and associated with strong winds. During the next five days moderate to heavy rain may continue over Eastern and northeast India. 
Weather and Agriculture Advisory for Farmers
Crop and Weather

Friday 24 April 2020

PM Modi interacted with Sarpanches through video conferencing

Prime Minister Narendra Modi today interacted with Sarpanches across the country through video conferencing on Panchayati Raj Day.
PM Modi
PM Narendra Modi

Organic Farmyard Manure

Manures are the organic matter derived from animals feed, humans, and plant residues that contain plant nutrients in composite organic forms. The manure could also be in several forms like Farmyard manure, Sheep and Goat Manure, Poultry Manure, Oil cakes, and green manure. But today we'll examine Farmyard manure.

Organic manure

Thursday 23 April 2020

Pest management in Onion

Onion is the most common bulb vegetable grown in India. Pest management is very important in this crop for better yield and good quality. This article will help you to find out the onion pest and control measure. Let us see the major pests of onion.
Pest Management in Onion
Green Onion

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Pests of Peral Millet (Bajra)

In the agriculture sector, a farmer puts its all efforts to provide food to the world. As all the things in agriculture done through the hard work and unbelievable efforts of farmers. After the month of efforts every year, the farmer's crop is reduced due to insects or pest attacks in the crop which affect the quality as well as quantity. In this article, we provide the major insects and their management in Cumbu(Pearl Millet) and Bajra in India. 
Major Pests of Pearl Millet
Pearl Millet ( Bajra)

Tuesday 21 April 2020

How much hectares of wheat and Pulses has been harvested?

As we were seeing from last few days that a lockdown in India. So far, 66 -67% of the total land area of ​​310 million hectares of wheat has been harvested in the country amid the ongoing lockdown due to the Coronavirus epidemic. The efforts of the farmers along with the central and state governments have ensured that there is no impediment to the Rabi harvesting operations and continuous sowing of summer crops.
How much Area harvested of rabi crop
Wheat Harvesting

Monday 20 April 2020

How to Increase the Pulses Yield?

Hello, today we examine pulses and the way to enhance and increase the yield. India ranks first both as producer and consumer of pulses. In India, pulses imports at a high level as domestic requirements for consumption as food. So, to achieve self-sufficiency in terms of pulse production the constraints in cultivation got to be addressed. During the pulses production faces a series of restraints include physiological limitations.

How to increase the yield of Green Gram
Green Gram
These limitations include low germination percentage, insufficient source, low leaf quality, indeterminate growth habit, C3 photosynthetic apparatus, low photosynthesis, hormones inhibitors, a decline in nodule activity and grain quality. To beat these types of limitations an application of growth hormones is adopted also at appropriate time and quantity. 

Sunday 19 April 2020

Weather and Agriculture Advisory

As we knew that the weather is very important all the time especially for farmers. This time most of the Indian states have wheat crop and harvesting continues. If they know the weather in advance they take some measure steps for their crop. Which protects the quality of crop and against the weather. So we are writing about the weather and its impacts on crops and proving agriculture advisory for farmers. So let us see the next three days weather forecast and agriculture advisory.

Weather and Agriculture Advisory
Weather and Crop

Saturday 18 April 2020

High Yield Cotton Varieties

As we know that the cotton sowing time is arriving and some farmers already started the sowing of cotton. This article will help you to choose a good variety of cotton for your soil and location. In this article, we discussed the high yielding and good variety of cotton. These varieties are the best variety of cotton trending in India and the most liked variety by the farmers. These varieties average yield is 11-15 quintal/acre. 
Cotton variety

Friday 17 April 2020

IMD released the forecast of Monsoon 2020

As we know that monsoonal rain is very important especially for farmers because some area farmers were totally dependent on rain. We also aware this is a tough time for our country due to coronavirus. Govt was already has taken some measures steps to control the coronavirus in India before the situation is critical. Govt supports the farmers and relief some notifications for them. Recently the IMD release the southwest Monsoon and waiting for Skymet  Monsoon forecast for 2020. Let us read what IMD has predicted for this year. 
Monsoon Forecast 2020
Monsoon Forecast

Thursday 16 April 2020

Haryana Govt had Changed Crop Sell Places

Measure Steps For Farmers

During the lockdown 2.0 (Second Lockdown on coronavirus) time Govt has taken some measure steps for farmer's relief because they knew this is harvesting time of wheat and mustard have been harvested. The farmers were waiting to sell their crops in Mandis. So the Centre Govt and state govt maintain some rules and provide relief to them.
Wheat Procurement
Wheat Procurement

The farmer's work will continue and the necessary shops like a seed, pesticides, fertilizers, and Agriculture Equipments will remain open. Also, the Govt had decided to buy the crop of farmers. 

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Cotton Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms?

Cotton is a major fiber crop in India. The most growing states of cotton are Maharashtra, Gujarat, Telangana, and Karnataka. Mostly cotton is grown in 12 states of India during Kharif.

Cotton Nutrient Deficiency
When we talk about cotton cultivation and thought about the nutrient some questions came in our mind.

What nutrients does cotton need to grow?
Cotton Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms?
Cotton Nutrient Requirements and how to do Management?

Tuesday 14 April 2020

Wheat procurement will start from April 15

Wheat procurement will start from April 15

The government is giving farmers exemption in agricultural work under lockdown. But during this time, fields are also advised to keep a distance of 5 feet from each other (social distancing), wash hands from time to time and try to harvest with the machine. The lockdown, farmers have been continuously facing problems of operating the coal and problems of existence.
wheat Procurement

Monday 13 April 2020

High Yield Urad /Black-gram Variety

List of Urad Varieties

Variety of Urad

Mash 391(LU 391) 

Variety is released by PAU, Ludhiana. Variety average yield is  8-9 q/ha and matures in  70-75 days. Variety is Resistant to Yellow Mosaic Virus, Leaf Crinkle virus, Cercospora leaf spot, Anthracnose, and Powdery mildew. Suitable for Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu in the spring season.

Sunday 12 April 2020

Saturday 11 April 2020

State Govt. Step For Farmers During Lockdown

Rajasthan Govt. Relief for formers

The Rajasthan State Government has taken important decisions in the interest of farmers during Lokdwon. Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has given relief to the farmers in view of the lockdown.
Farmers Lockdown

Friday 10 April 2020

High Yield Varieties of Mungbean/ Moong

List of Improved, High Yield and Certified Moong Varieties

Improved Variety of Moong with Yield
Moong Variety

Pusa Vishal

This mungbean variety is developed by IARI. This moong variety of grain is bold and shiny and resistant to the mungbean yellow mosaic virus. Variety Matures in 65-70 days in spring and 60-65 days in summer and the Yield is 12-13 q/ha. Suitable area for this variety is Punjab, Haryana, Western Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, and plain area of Himachal Pradesh.

Thursday 9 April 2020

Weather and Crop Advisory for farmers

Weather Observed

During the last 48 hours, rain observed in some states of the country like Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, East Rajasthan, Some Parts of Punjab, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, and Northeast India whereas moderate rains was observed in Tamilnadu, and south interior Karnataka. 
Weather and Crop Advisory
Weather and Crop

Wednesday 8 April 2020

An Article on MSP(Minimum Support Price)

What is MSP?

MSP (Minimum Support Price) is a form of market invention by Indian Govt to insure the agriculture purchase. MSP is that price at which govt buys the farmers crop at minimum this cost. It is very important for Indian agriculture price policy. The minimum support prices (MSPs) to motivate the cultivators to adopt modern technology and raise productivity for the emerging demand patterns in the country.
MSP(Minimum Support Price)
MSP(Minimum Support Price)

Tuesday 7 April 2020

About Weed, Impact and management Methods

What is Weed?

Weed is plant or vegetation that grows in a field along with crop or weed we can say that an unwanted and undesirable plant in the crop which uses the land and water resources for their growth and development. Consumption of weeds can affects human health.
Weed Management
Summer Weed

The growth of weed is not desirable in the monoculture system. These undesired plants deplete the nutrients; water and space allotted for the intended crop, and finally cause a huge reduction in crop yield.

Monday 6 April 2020

Crop Yield Improvement


Cytokinins and brassinosteroids (BRs) plant hormones are the most useful for controlling plant productivity and yield improvement. At Panicle Initiation and Flowering stage a foliar spray of Brassosteriods (BRs) 0.3 ppm help to increase the yield. 
Paddy Yield Improvement
Yield Improvement

Sunday 5 April 2020

Agriculture Crop Calendar April

Agriculture Work To be done in the month of April

Wheat / Barley

Farmers can harvest wheat and barley in this month. But be insure that your crop is ready to harvest and moisture is not more than 10 percent, before harvesting the crop remove the weeds so that the earrings of other species in the crop were not mixed. And dry the crop well before storage.

Saturday 4 April 2020

Maize Cultivation

A brief Article on Maize (Corn) 

Maize is also known as corn in global and the botanical name of maize is ‘Zea mays’. It is the third most grown crop in cereals after paddy and wheat.


Maize Cultivation

Friday 3 April 2020

Global agencies have warned for food crisis

Global agencies have warned that because of the coronavirus epidemic, there could also be a 'food crisis' before the world. These agencies have said that if the countries of the world fail to handle the epidemic during a proper way, then such a situation can arise. 
Food Crises

Thursday 2 April 2020

Farmers of India is forced to shed his months of effort on the Roads

The coronavirus epidemic which has created such calamity on the farmers of India is forced to shed his months of effort on the roads, and there is not enough money to supply it.

Wednesday 1 April 2020

USA against coronavirus NO CROWD, NO FOOD

The USA and its farmers  against coronavirus

USA Farmer Market

The world has been put in a crisis due to the coronavirus epidemic, which is being seen mostly in the US, but it is about to end in China. Due to Corona, it is now being seen by the farmers of America, which is a very influential country. Because it has led to a drop in prices of all types of businesses as well as crops, vegetables, and livestock, and labor shortages on farms are also a worrying issue. Farmer trade groups are lobbying the Trump administration to allow farmers to decline in value Financial assistance can be provided.

Best onion Variety | Hybrid Onion | Panchganga | Ellora | Prashant | Pyaz | Onion

Best onion Variety | Hybrid Onion | Panchganga | Ellora | Prashant | Pyaz | Onion
You will get about information about the onion variety. The onion variety with characteristics. The hybrid and high-yield onion variety.

Organic Farming | What is organic Farming?

Organic Farming | What is organic Farming?
You will get information about organic farming. Full details about organic farming. All information related to organic farming you will get in this video. like What are the key features of organic farming? What is organic farming in simple words?