
Saturday 29 February 2020

Varieties of Watermelon for India and other Country

Watermelon Variety
Watermelon Variety

In this article, we read about a cultivated variety of watermelons in India and some variety of international companies.

Durgapura Meetha

This variety of watermelon is introduced by Durgapura. This watermelon variety Fruit is round with grey-colored skin, thick rind, red-colored flesh, TSS 9-10%. Average Weight of watermelon is 6-8 Kg. This variety can pick 110-120 days after sowing. The seed of this variety is White medium-size seeds with black tip and margin. The estimated yield of this variety is 450 Quintal/ha.

Arka Jyaoti

This variety is introduced by IIHR Banglore. It is a hybrid variety. The fruit of this variety is round to oval, dark green with blue angular stripes, The average weight of this variety is 5-6 kg and TSS 12-13%. This variety is good keeping and quality transport. This variety is picked first after 90 days of sowing. The average yield of this variety is 600-800 Q/ha.

Sugar Baby

This variety is introduced by IARI New Delhi. This variety of fruit is small to medium in size. Also round in shape, skin dark green with faint perceptible stripes.  The average weight of this variety is 3-5 kg. This watermelon variety is flesh deep red, fine texture and the taste is very sweet. Watermelon with TSS 10-12%. The Seeds of watermelon are small, brown with black tips.

Arka Manik

This variety is introduced by IIHR Banglore. This variety of fruit is round to oval with green rind and dark green stripes. The average weight of this variety is 6 kg. flesh deep crimson with a granular texture, pleasant aroma TSS 12-15%. Few small seeds arranged in order. This variety Resistant to powdery mildew, downy mildew and also anthracnose disease. This variety is picked first after 100-110 days of sowing. The average yield of this variety is 412q/ha.

Lekha (F1 Hybrid)

This variety is introduced by JK Seeds. This variety of fruit is oval with green stripes. The average weight of this variety is 6-12 kg. Lekha hybrid is flesh deep red with a granular texture, sweet. Tolerant to high temperature. Variety is good keeping quality of 15 to 20 days and suitable for portation. This variety is picked first after 95-100 days of sowing.

Vimal (F1 Hybrid)

This variety is introduced is also by JK Seeds. This variety of fruit is round with black to black-green color. The average weight of the fruit is  5-7 kg. flesh deep red with a granular texture, very sweet.Good keeping quality of 15 to 20 days and suitable for portation. This variety is picked first after 95-100 days of sowing.

Super Chamian

This variety is introduced by Sungrow Seeds. This variety of fruit is oval with green rind and dark green stripes. The average weight of fruit by this variety is 10-11 kg. Flesh deep red TSS 12-13%. Matures in 75-80 days after transplant. Suitable for long-distance portation

No 555

This variety is introduced is also by Sungrow Seeds. This variety of fruit is oval with green rind and green stripes. The average weight of this variety is  6-8 kg. Flesh deep red TSS 12-13%. Matures in 75-80 days after transplant. Suitable for long-distance portation.


This variety is introduced by Sungrow Seeds. This variety of fruit is round with dark green rind. The average weight of this variety is 5-6 kg. Flesh red TSS 10-11%. Variety Matures in 80 days after transplant. Suitable for long-distance portation.

These are Seedless Variety F1 Shonima and F1 Swarna by KAU.

let's read about some international hybrid variety.


Introduced by Golden Valley Seed. The shape of the fruit is round and red color from inside and this variety is seedless. The fruit weight is 1.5-2.0 kg. The production is very high in this variety. This variety is medium -early and cultivated in California, Arizona, Mexico, and the US.


This variety is introduced by Syngenta. The shape of the fruit is Blocky. The fruit weight is 6.5-7 kg. This variety is also seedless.
The fruit is Red flesh, deep-green rind, crimson sweet stripe appearance. Variety Matures in 89 days after sowing. The potential is high.


Introduced by Sakata Seed America. The fruit is round/oval shape. Watermelon is Light green with medium-green stripes, bright-red flesh. The average weight of fruit is 8-9 Kg and seedless fruit. Watermelon is cultivated in the U.S., Mexico, Canada.

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