
Friday 31 January 2020

Vegetable Growing Calendar (month wise) for Farmers

In India, there are different types of soil and weather, on the bases of that we have divided into two parts, northern and southern India. This gardening/vegetable calendar provides a list of month by month for growing indoor vegetables in India. By this farmers can grow the vegetables. Let's discuss first north India.
Vegetable Growing Calendar India
Vegetables Growing Calendar

January Vegetables

Brinjal (बेंगन )

February Vegetables

Apple gourd(टिंडा ), Bitter Gourd(करेला ), Bottle gourd(लोकी ), Cucumber(खीरा), Okra(भिंडी ), Sponge (तोरी), Watermelon(तरबूज ), Spinach(पालक )

March Vegetables

Apple gourd(टिंडा ), Bitter Gourd(करेला ), Bottle gourd(लोकी ), Cucumber(खीरा), Okra(भिंडी ), Sponge (तोरी), Watermelon(तरबूज ), Spinach(पालक )

April  Vegetables

Capsicum(सीमला मिर्च)

May Vegetables
Onion(प्याज़), Pepper(कालीमिर्च), Brinjal(बेंगन)

All gourds(लोकि,खीरा,करेला,टिंडा,तोरी ), Cauliflower फूलगोभी ( (Early), Okra(भिंडी), Onion(प्याज़), Tomato(टमाटर ), Pepper(कालीमिर्च), sem(सेम)

All gourds(लोकि,खीरा,करेला,टिंडा,तोरी ), Okra(भिंडी), Sem(सेम), Tomato(टमाटर)

Carrots(गाजर), Cauliflower(फूलगोभी), Radish(मूली), Tomato(टमाटर)

Cabbage(गोभी), Carrot(गाजर), Cauliflower(फूलगोभी), Peas(मटर), Radish(मूली), Tomato(टमाटर)

Beet(चकुंदर), Brinjal(बेंगन), Cabbage(गोभी), Cauliflower(फूलगोभी), Peas(मटर), Radish(मूली), Spinach(पालक), Turnip(शलगम ), Potato(आलू)

Turnip(शलगम), Tomato(टमाटर), Radish(मूली), Pepper(कालीमिर्च), Peas(मटर), Beet(चकुंदर), Potato(आलू)


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