
Friday 31 January 2020

Vegetable Growing Calendar (month wise) for Farmers

In India, there are different types of soil and weather, on the bases of that we have divided into two parts, northern and southern India. This gardening/vegetable calendar provides a list of month by month for growing indoor vegetables in India. By this farmers can grow the vegetables. Let's discuss first north India.
Vegetable Growing Calendar India
Vegetables Growing Calendar

January Vegetables

Brinjal (बेंगन )

February Vegetables

Apple gourd(टिंडा ), Bitter Gourd(करेला ), Bottle gourd(लोकी ), Cucumber(खीरा), Okra(भिंडी ), Sponge (तोरी), Watermelon(तरबूज ), Spinach(पालक )

March Vegetables

Apple gourd(टिंडा ), Bitter Gourd(करेला ), Bottle gourd(लोकी ), Cucumber(खीरा), Okra(भिंडी ), Sponge (तोरी), Watermelon(तरबूज ), Spinach(पालक )

April  Vegetables

Capsicum(सीमला मिर्च)

Monday 27 January 2020

Haryana Govt. issue Alert in Wheat Crop

The Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare has issued an alert across the Haryana when a case of yellow rust occurred in the wheat crop in Panchkula. A letter has been mailed or sent to all the agricultural deputy directors to Haryana and has ordered a regular inspection of the wheat and experts to be vigilant. Due to high moisture content in the current season, the possibility of a yellow rust outbreak increases over the state. Yellow rust is a fungus that gradually destroys standing crops entire field. Let’s see how much area according to district
Haryana Govt Alert
Wheat Alert

District Area (in hectares)

Thursday 23 January 2020

Locust/Tiddi attack

As we were seeing them from last years they came from Pakistan and attack in Rajasthan crop. When the name of Locust's name comes in mind the farmer and govt came in tension. Not only is the name of locust danger reduced in the state. Till now the locust had blown the farmers, but now they are facing even more danger and that is the locust eggs. If locusts started coming out of these eggs, the situation would get worse because a locust lays more than a hundred eggs at a time. They were not only in one district of the state they increasing day by day in Gujarat and Rajasthan now Punjab govt had also acted in some areas.
Locust Attack

Locust experts say that farmers should monitor locusts for their color. If the locust is light pink then there is no risk of laying eggs. At the same time, if the grasshopper is yellow, then there is a possibility that it has either laid eggs or is ready to lay. In such a situation, farmers are being advised to search for their egg-laying place and destroy them as soon as the children grow out of them. Experts say that the grasshopper is very sluggish while laying eggs and is sitting in one place. In such a situation it will be very convenient to kill them.

Locust life cycle

Wednesday 22 January 2020

Agricultural work to be done in the month of January

Wheat Crop:

In wheat crop mainly pest and disease can be seen over major parts of the country. 

For prevention of leaf and stem borer imidacloprid 500 ml or Quanlphos 25EC 1litre/ha. For rust problem spray Propiconazole should be spray for an effective solution. Irrigate wheat in the late variety 17 to 18 days after sowing and irrigate at an interval of 15-20 days thereafter. To protect the wheat crop from mice/rats, use a feed made of phosphide or a vaccine made of aluminum.


Farmers can transplant onion if they were ready in nursery. .Irrigate the onion plants after transplanting and sprinkle the pendimethalin   2.5 liters per hectare after planting for weed control.

In cabbage irrigation the crop and work for weeding and earthing up to the crop.

Last month planted tomato,  do the work of supporting in the planted tomato crop.

In the case of tomato and onion deficiency of zinc and boron, use 20-25 kg sulfate and borax.

Pulses crop

Sunday 19 January 2020

About wheat rust, area of damage, symptoms and its control measures.

Wheat Rust
About Wheat Yellow Rust: Yellow rust disease is mainly found in the foothills of the mountains, but for the last few years, the outbreak of this disease has been found in the plains of North India. There is a possibility of yellow rust disease occurring in the wheat crops in January and February. Low temperature and high humidity are favorable for yellow rust disease of wheat. When touched by hand, the spores of the fungus from the stripes look like yellow in the hand. There is no yield due to this disease of the crop and farmers have to wash their hands from the crop. Nearly three lakh hectares of the wheat crop was damaged in 2011 due to the outbreak of yellow ocher in the Terai regions of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand in northern India.

Symptoms of yellow rust disease: Symptoms of this disease are often seen in cold and humid areas, as well as in the crops grown around Poplar and White. Yellowing of leaves is not only yellow rust, due to yellow leaves, but there may also be a lack of nutrients in the crop, an excessive amount of salt in the ground and stagnation of water. In yellow rust disease, the yellow powder is formed on the leaves of wheat, which becomes yellow when hands are touched. Clothes also turn yellow by visiting such fields. The yellowing of leaves is not only called yellow rust, but it is a symptom of powdery yellow material on the hand. A yellow stripe appears on the upper surface of the leaves, which gradually turns the entire leaves yellow.

Thursday 16 January 2020

Insect attack over Gram and Pulses


In India among all pulse crops black gram, Bengal gram and cowpea are frequently grown as short-duration crops in Kharif followed by rabi crops like jowar, wheat, Bengal gram, and safflower. It is drought-resistant and suitable for dryland farming. The crop plays an important role in sustaining soil fertility by improving soil physical properties and fixing atmospheric nitrogen. The low yield of green grams in our country may be attributed to a wide variety of factors, among which the ravage of insect pests is paramount.

A number of insect pests belonging to different orders have been recorded on green grams from various parts of the world. Most pests of a green gram are cutworm,  aphids, thrips, Bihar hairy caterpillar, tobacco caterpillar, gram caterpillar,  leaf-eating caterpillar and pod borer. are some insects which affect quality and quantity.  Spray insecticides like emamectin benzoate 5 SG at 0.25ml/l or spinosad 45 SC at 0.25ml/liter or lambda-cyhalothrin 5 EC 1.00ml/liter, dimethoate 30EC or chlorpyriphos 20 EC at 2ml/liter for effective management of the pest.

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Tuesday 14 January 2020

Largest wheat producing countries worldwide

Wheat is a grass widely cultivated for its seed, a cereal grain which is a worldwide staple food. With the growing population, the food requirement of the world is also increasing rapidly. And the wheat is an important food crop that plays a crucial role in meeting the world food requirement. Wheat can be grown all over the world but when it comes to production, China comes upper the list, followed by India and the US. India Is 3rd largest producing country after the EU and China.

Wheat Worldwide
Country Table

Wheat is a major cereal crop. Every year we are growing wheat crop here we are going to discuss the major county producing wheat in the world 2019-20. In January the production volume is less as compared to December. With the help of table and graph, we can see that around the worldwide we have selected the top 10 country high producing wheat country. In which total production is 64,09,88,000 MT in December and  64,04,88,000 MT in January 2020. The total difference is -5,00,000 MT.

Please comment below if you have any questions.
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Wednesday 8 January 2020

Weather Outlook

Weather and Crop
Crop Weather
During the next 24 hours, light to moderate scattered rain and snow will continue in Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh and Himachal Pradesh. Rainfall activity will subside in Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, and Rajasthan, however, rains may intensify in Northwest Uttar Pradesh and will gradually cover most parts of East Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, parts of Bihar, Odisha and West Bengal in the next 48 hours. Moderate to High dense fog at isolated places over Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh & Delhi, West Uttar Pradesh, and north Rajasthan during night/morning hours. Cold wave conditions may occur at isolated places over Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh & Delhi.

Now discuss the weather impacts on rabi crops-This weather is beneficial for wheat and barley crops in northern and western India because wheat is around 50-60 days and due to cold the growth is not enough. This weather and fog will help wheat crops for their growth. Due to this weather condition, late blight may occur over potato. For mustard, it is good if the weather continues cloudy for 2-3 days then it cause the problem and white rust attack over mustard. In pulses and vegetables there may be a chance of a caterpillar attack please monitor the crop. Due to cold in Garlic and onions crop yellowing of leaves problems may occur.

If you want any type of agriculture and commodity update please comment.

Thanks for reading...

Sunday 5 January 2020

Weather Impact Crop

Climate change is one of the most extreme challenges Indian agriculture is facing today and will have to deal with in the future. There has been overwhelming and growing scientific evidence to establish that the world is getting warmer due to climate change and such increasing weather variabilities and worsening extremes will impact the agriculture sector more and more adversely.
Weather Impacts on Wheat and Rabi Crops
Weather Impacts on Wheat and Rabi Crops
The crops don't get enough sunlight due to which the photosynthesis process slows down which impacts the growth of the crops. As of now the effect of fog is not much on the mustard crop but complaints of white rust on mustard plants are coming in from some areas of North and Western India. The gram crop has also not been affected much because of fog but in such a condition due to lack of photosynthesis, the growth of the crops gets affected. Due to the severe cold conditions and fog have made potatoes prone to late blight and got informed from some areas of Uttar Pradesh and Punjab.

Wednesday 1 January 2020

Weed Management

Wheat is an important cereal crop. Here some generally weeds grown in field Anagallis arvensis (Krishananeel कृष्‍णनील), Argemone mexicana (Satyanashi सत्‍यानाशी), Asphodelus tenuifolius (Piazzi प्‍याजी), Avena ludoviciana (Jangli Jai जंगली जंई), Cannabis sativa (Bhang भांग), Carthamus oxycantha (Pohli पोहली), Chenopodium album (Bathu बथुआ), Cirsium arvense (Kateli कटैहली), Convolvulus arvensis (Hirankhuri हि‍रनखुरी), Corpus Didymus (Pitpapra पीतपापडा), Euphorbia jelioscopia (Dudhi दुधी), Fumaria parviflora (Gajri गाजरी), Lathyrus aphaca (Matri मटरी), Malva parviflora (Gogisag गोगीसाग), Medicago denticulata (Maina मैना), Melilotus alba (Metha मेथा), Phalaris minor (Mandushi/Gulidanda मंडूशी), Poa annua (Poa ghas पौघास), Polygonum plebejum (Raniphul रानीफूल), Polypogon monspeliensis (Lomar ghas लोमरघास), Rumex retroflex (Jangli palak जंगली पालक), Spergula arvensis (Bandhania वनधनि‍या), Vicia sativa (Chatri/Gegla गेला) are weeds which affect the production of crop and decrease the quality

Best onion Variety | Hybrid Onion | Panchganga | Ellora | Prashant | Pyaz | Onion

Best onion Variety | Hybrid Onion | Panchganga | Ellora | Prashant | Pyaz | Onion
You will get about information about the onion variety. The onion variety with characteristics. The hybrid and high-yield onion variety.

Organic Farming | What is organic Farming?

Organic Farming | What is organic Farming?
You will get information about organic farming. Full details about organic farming. All information related to organic farming you will get in this video. like What are the key features of organic farming? What is organic farming in simple words?